
グーグル地球 四ベータ

Google Press Center: Press Release.

Google Announces Major Imagery Update For Google Earth, New Tools And Innovations in Mapping

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. - June 12, 2006 – Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) today announced a series of updates to the company's mapping product suite, further illustrating Google’s commitment to creating powerful tools for sharing geographic information. Announced live at Google's first Geo Developer Day, these innovations both connect users to information about the world around them, as well as address the growing needs of the developer community.

"We are excited to celebrate the one year anniversary of Google Earth and the Google Maps API with new technologies for these products," said John Hanke, director, Google Earth and Maps. "In the past year, we have had more than 100 million unique Google Earth downloads and have enabled over 30,000 websites to create mash-ups combining their own geographic data with the Google Maps API. The enthusiasm of the geo-developer community encourages us that these geo-based tools are connecting users to information in new and innovative ways."


 今日はネット上のあちこちで話題になっている、Google Earthの最新版公開。試しにデスクトップに入れてみて、インターフェースは悪くないが少し重いかもしれない。PCスペックの要求も高め。

 ちょうど2週間ほど前、Goole Maps API担当のSteffen Meschkat氏がセンターに来て軽い講演をした時、個人的に聞いたのだがMapsとEarthは部屋も近いしお互いに技術交換できる環境にあり、コラボレーションにも積極的に進めていくとのことだった。このプレスリリースはまさにそういうことなのだろう。自分が言うのもおこがましいが、お互いそれぞれの特徴を生かして、これからも面白さ(と使いやすさ)を深めていってほしいと願う。


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